PSBA Speaker RFP
We appreciate your interest in presenting at a PSBA event! Year to year PSBA offers educational sessions through webinars, regional meetings, annual convention topics and more. Your session proposal may be considered for a variety of training programs. PSBA would love to hear your session ideas for one of our upcoming events. We are constantly on the lookout for new speakers. We want to know what are you doing that is different, what experiences can you share, what are your best practices, and more. Please review the information below to learn more. If you are not a speaker, but would like to simply suggest a topic for PSBA to tackle in one of our programs, please submit your idea to
Review Criteria
Provide an engaging session title to help market the event and increase registration.
Select a current topic and demonstrate knowledge of timely hot topics, or trends in the student transportation field.
Clearly identify key takeaways/learning objectives (minimum of 3 bullets)
Practical and applicable ideas and material without the promotion or advertising of your company’s products/services – no sales pitch.
Ability to deliver an innovative, impactful, and engaging presentation to fill at least:
Submit testimonials or videos at prior speaking engagements (if applicable).
About PSBA: The Pennsylvania School Bus Association was founded in 1980 and consists of over 300 school bus contractors from across Pennsylvania who have come together to be a strong voice for school bus safety and the school bus contracting industry. Our mission is to provide programs, education, and services to promote and foster the highest degree of safety in the transportation of school children and strengthen the quality of student transportation through professional management. PSBA works with many Pennsylvania organizations and government agencies to advance the mission and accomplish the goals of the membership.